Eye Health and Eye Conditions

At Theia Optical, we diagnose and manage a range of eye conditions which include but are not limited to the following.

Theia Optical Boutique Optometry Clinic in Five Dock

Dry eyes/Blepharitis

Dry eye disease is a multifactorial disease of the tears and ocular surface. Common symptoms are redness, grittiness, stinging, irritation or blurred vision. Blepharitis is the inflammation of the eyelids which may cause similar symptoms to dry eyes. Our optometrists may advise better blinking habits, bruder eye mask, blephadex eyelid cleansers, lubricating or therapeutically prescribed eyedrops.

Theia Optical Boutique Optometry Clinic in Five Dock


Pterygium is the overgrowth of conjunctival skin onto the cornea, which is the clear part of our eyes. It is highly common in patients who have had high and prolonged UV exposure over their lifetime. Pterygium is best monitored with anterior eye imaging, and can be referred to surgical removal if necessary.

Theia Optical Boutique Optometry Clinic in Five Dock


Cataracts is the clouding of the crystalline lens that sits behind the iris in our eyes. Cataracts is very common and is often attributed to ageing and UV exposure. Other causes for cataracts include blunt trauma, diabetes and smoking. Cataracts is often easily fixed with surgery. If our optometrists detect cataract in your eyes, they will monitor the progression closely and refer you for surgical intervention when necessary.

Theia Optical Boutique Optometry Clinic in Five Dock

Macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is an eye disease that affects the region of the retina that is responsible for central vision. It is the leading cause of severe vision impairment in people aged over 40 years in Australia and leads to symptoms of blurriness, distortions and central vision loss. Testing involves macula assessment, OCT scanning and Amsler grid monitoring.

Theia Optical Boutique Optometry Clinic in Five Dock


Glaucoma is when the optic nerve at the back of the eye is damaged, resulting in progressive peripheral vision loss. If left untreated, glaucoma can lead to irreversible blindness so early detection is crucial. Testing involves optic nerve examination, measuring intraocular pressure, OCT scans and visual field testing. Our clinic offers all the equipment required to diagnose and monitor glaucoma.

Theia Optical Boutique Optometry Clinic in Five Dock

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is a complication that affects the retinal blood vessels and may lead to vision loss. It is highly recommended that patients with diabetes have yearly dilated eye examinations with retinal imaging. This involves instilling dilating eye drops into the eye to check for abnormal bleeding or fluid in the retina.